As our team has grown this year we have committed to challenging and holding one another accountable to being successful and moving in the right direction daily. One way we are focusing on this goal together is by working through the same book, sharing our thoughts and takeaways. As we are reading on leadership principles and self-development skills we have decided to share our feedback and notes from each discussion with you.

The first book we just started reading as a team is The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. We are also working through the 30-Day Life Transformation Challenge Fast-Start Kit he offers. This is exciting for us to share! We truly believe there is going to be great benefit from taking time each day and learning from one another. We are trying to wake up to reach our full potential. H

“95% of people struggle their entire lives”

Right from the beginning, this book dives into rising above mediocrity. The first is to acknowledge the 95% reality check. Our society settles for less than what we want and justifies that it is okay. After you realize and can recognize this reality you must identify the causes of mediocrity. There are seven common causes that we should try to avoid to reach our full potential. We dug into each cause to identify how this plays out in our lives.

Mediocrity is a choice that leads to regret.

The Rearview Mirror Syndrome

Limitations of past experiences carry stress and worry from yesterday into today. You have to believe that the past does not define you and does not equal the future. You can start every morning new to shape your desired future.

Lack of Purpose

To find your purpose you have to learn what inspires you. Most people pursue a life of pleasure rather than purpose. Material possessions in America have increased, where statistically the happiness level has decreased over time. Finding your purpose over pleasure that only lasts a short period of time is the switch needed. This means being the person you need to be to create the life you want. We are asking the question: How can we add value to someone life?

Isolating Incidents

It is a hard task to stay disciplined and focused. We have instilled into our values “Doing what’s right, not what’s easy.” Daily discipline creates a lifestyle. Everything we do affects who we are becoming.

Lack of Accountability

Accountability, while at the same time says “I love you” also can be hurtful and tough to handle. Having accountability brings much-needed order to your life. There is not only a need for accountability partners but there should be an accountability system in place to continually point you in the right direction. It might not always be easy, but it is needed.

Mediocre Circle of Influence

You are the direct result of the 5 closest people in your life. To shape your future to be successful, your circle of influence should be with those who are positive and have ambition, so you too become positive and ambitious. It would be wise to surround yourself with people that believe in you but also challenge you. The old saying is true, ‘Show me your friends and I will show you your future.’ You have the power to create a strong future for yourself, but everyone needs someone to support them.

Lack of Personal Development

Leaders never stop learning. Setting aside time each day to improve yourself can change the trajectory of your future. “Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development because success is something you attract by the person you become.” Are you spending time on creating the life you deserve?

Lack of Urgency

The most significant cause of mediocrity leads to procrastination and regret. What you are doing today determines who you are becoming. Many wish to change but few actually work for it. What would it take for you to get out of bed early to make a dramatically make a difference in your life? “If you want your life to be different you have to be willing to do something different first.”

The final cause, the lack of urgency, was a big takeaway for our team. This truly gets down to the "why" we do what we do. This was not only helpful for our business perceptive, but this was a great personal challenge as well. The final step to overcoming mediocrity sounds simple but is extremely hard to apply and stay committed to. YOU must draw a line in the sand and decide what you are going to start doing differently. You can no longer accept mediocrity as an option. How will you draw that line in your life?

“Where you are is a result of who you were. But where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be.”

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The clarity questions help focus in these ideas:

1. Which aspects of your life can you be more grateful for and present to?

2. What do you want to begin improving/transforming during the next 30 days?

3. Which fears are holding you back from achieving your ‘level 10’ life?

4. Which beliefs do you need to adopt to be able to create your ‘level 10’ life?

5. Why is it a “MUST” for you to start transforming your life - right now?