The month of May our team is reading through the 10 secrets revealed in The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon. He shares the 10 rules for life, work, and team with positive energy. This again is nothing we have never heard but again good to hear and refocus on. Jon Gordon walks through the life of ‘George’ to show the stress of life and work and the change that is made when he meets a bus driver and passengers. Through the journey, he learns the 10 rules of how to enjoy the ride of life.

Everyone faces difficult challenges. Everyone wants to be the best. Everyone wants to be successful. Looking through experiences of other leaders, teams, successful business, and athletes Gordon uses the story of George to show the effect of energy. Sitting on the bus you look forward with a positive attitude to overcome the adversity that might come your way. This bus moves forward past all the negativity that your destroy your environment and your team. This book builds upon strengths of having a good attitude and positive outlook. The example of George is how the majority of team members feel stuck no longer moving forward. The rules he learns on the bus changes his life, his job, his marriage and his perspective.

One of the first rules is “You are the driver of the bus.” Ultimately, you are in control and you are only in control of yourself. When you take responsibility and sit in the driver seat about your energy and attitude towards each and every action. You are responsible for the direction your life is headed. It is easy to become complacent and let others take over and control your attitude. It is time to take charge and drive the bus. It is empowering when you become responsible for your dreams and end destination. Join us this month to learn the rules and see the change in direction from being on the energy bus!