After identifying the WIG of your organization and stating the lead and lag measurements it is important to match it with what you are currently doing. Having conversations with both leaders and staff you gather as many ideas as possible then start to narrow them down and rank their importance to impact. Having a simple and clear definition of your goal will be beneficial to all. With the leads and lag measurements, start with a verb and follow with the lead or lag measurement then conclude with a deliverable and a deadline. Example: Reduce (verb) production costs (lag measure) from 20 to 15 million (deliverable) by December 31st (deadline). Constantly re-evaluate and test your measures, making sure they are predictive, precise and measurable. After defining and identifying the goals it then becomes critical to help the team reach the goal.

The Third Discipline of Execution: Motivate Your Team by Keeping Score of Their Performance.

Everyone loves the feeling of winning. Keeping score will naturally improve performance and creates a higher level of engagement. Showing everyone how they’re performing makes it easy for employees to manage and understand where the team should be and where it is in reality. Every team member must be able to tell at a glance whether they’re winning or losing. Scoreboards should show lag and lead measures related to this specific goal, so your team knows how they’re actually performing.

“When winners are given data that shows that they are losing, they figure out a way to win.”

The action step for the third discipline is creating a scoreboard for the team to see. Have this board include the essential information: goal, lead, and lag measures. Have it up and then update it regularly to see if the current behavior is supporting the big goal. Almost all goals of any organization can be broken down into monthly targets to even weekly and daily targets. Making sure you stay on track in the little moments will create big differences for the quarter and year mark. Having a scoreboard shows the progress and makes employees see if they are on track or not.