The first section of this book was focused on the lies we repeat to ourselves that cause a guardrail in achieve what we want to do. This second section focuses on the truth and identifies what is your ONE thing. The truth is the path to productivity. The key to success isn’t in all the things we do but in the handful of things we do well. When you get to the point where you can truly say: “This is where I’m meant to be right now, doing exactly what I’m doing.” that creates amazing potential. 

Main Question: What’s the ONE thing you can do this week such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary?

Break it down to make yourself successful. Break it down into specific areas: spiritual life, physical health, personal life, key relationships, my job, my business, my finances, etc. Take it from the big picture to the smaller focus; what is my ONE thing right now? Add specifics and timeframes: right now, this week, this month, this year, the next 5 years. Action beats intention every time. Create the bridge between doing something and doing something for a specific purpose. Finally, find the first domino and focus on it exclusively until you knock it over. You'll find a line of dominoes ready to fall or already down behind it. Great questions are the path to great answers.

In order to find great answers and achieve great things, you must ask great questions. A big, specific question leads to a big, specific answer, which is absolutely necessary for achieving a big goal. Most great answers live outside your comfort zone. When we maximize our reach, we maximize our life. Start by doing research and studying the lives of other high achievers. benchmark and trend. Set a standard for yourself. 

The 1-3-5 system can be really beneficial and it forces you to focus on your ONE thing. While focusing on the ONE thing it determines the smaller steps to get there. 

1 - You ONE Thing! Choose one big goal

3 - Figure out the three milestones that are needed to hit the ONE thing.  

5- Find the five strategies to tackle the 3 milestones. 

This kinda mimics the 411 plan. This is creating goals for 4 weeks, 1 month, and 1 year. You must start by identifying your annual goals then start to work backward. Figure out the monthly goals that you have to hit to make your annual goal possible. The last step is to figure out what must happen each week to make sure you hit your monthly goal. Breaking down the steps will get the ball going to achieve something you never thought possible. 

Set the big hairy goal then break it down so it becomes achievable. Make sure to write your goals down! You are more likely to success when you physically write your goal down. The ONE thing takes trimming down to make sure you are focused, but then you must fan it out to place the stepping stones to get there.  


What's the ONE thing you can do this week such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary?


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