We are rewinding a bit this week to remember the suggestions of how to actually get up to complete the Miracle Morning lifesavers. Getting up early is not for everyone and can be difficult from time to time. These tips help you become motivated to actually get out of bed to create the life you want!

Snooze Proof Morning

*Set your attentions before bed. The first thought you have in the morning is normally the last thought you had before going to bed.
*Move your alarm clock across the room. Force yourself to physically get up to turn it off. Movement creates energy.
*Brush your teeth right away and splash water on your face.
*Drink a full glass of water.
*Get dressed right away or jump in the shower.  

Extra tips:

*Set a timer for your bedroom lights.

*Set a timer for your bedroom heater.

*Alarm clock motivational messages.

The whole idea of the Miracle Morning is to fill your mind with 100% positive thoughts and activities before you start your day of checking emails and social media. We want to encourage you to keep putting one foot in front of the other. It takes 30 days to form a habit. The first 10 days will be the most difficult. The next ten, 11-20 days will be easier as you establish a rhythm. Days 21-30 is when the habit is formed and when it will become more enjoyable. You have to be willing to take on challenges that are outside of your comfort zone.

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

This week, we will leave you with a challenge of sending an email that could change your life. This won’t be easy to receive. The challenge our team is taking and we would like you to take as well is to email 5-30 people that know you well. This could be anyone you work with, friends, family members, etc. In this email ask for honest feedback on your weaknesses and areas where you could improve. Next challenge is to not comment back in defense but to take what they say and learn how to better improve yourself. Different areas of your life might showcase strengths and weaknesses differently. Everyone’s perception is their reality.


Subject: This Means A Lot

Will you please give me HONEST feedback on my weaknesses. In your opinion, what are 3 areas you think I could improve in?

Please don’t hold back. I promise I will not take anything personal. My hope is to improve those areas and my relationship with you and with others. I want to become the best person I can be.


Let us know how this email and the responses have affected your self-development and what you are now focusing on improving! We would also love to hear if you have applied any principles of the Miracle Morning into your life and the difference you have seen. Next week we will conclude this book and give personal reflections or applications from this book from all of our team members as well as announce which book we will read next.