This book is a great concise read! It has already changed the perspectives we are approaching different situations with, both personally and professionally. Most of the time the picture we paint for ourselves is an inaccurate story of the actual situation. We often, especially in America, care about the opinions of other people far too much. The majority of the time those people don’t even know you or hold the same values in their lives.

The 2nd Agreement: Don’t take anything personally.

Opinions are just that opinions, they change from day to day and are inconsistent depending on who you are speaking with. Why should we believe full heartedly and read into someone's opinion? Being able to transform your dream of reality leads to freedom and the mastery of life. There is freedom when you are able to look past the opinions and actions of others and move forward. Don’t take everything personal.

Nothing other people do or say is because of you; it is ultimate because of themselves. There are so many other factors that pour into how someone treats us. Their actions and how they respond are mostly about them and rarely about how you are acting. It is learning to realize the root of the issue and not take things personally. What others say or do is a projection of their reality and how they are feeling, not about you.

“Write this agreement on paper, and put it on your refrigerator to remind you all the time: Don’t take anything personally.” - Don Miguel Ruiz