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Wake Up Wednesday - The ONE Thing - Week 4

by James & Amy Lombardi


This entire book is also filled with tons of great quotes! We have out together a list of some of the quotes pulled to help refocus on doing the ONE thing. Here are 20 quotes throughout The ONE Thing. Hope you enjoyed and took something away from this book.

"Be like a postage stamp - stick to one thing until you get there." -Josh Billings  

"If you chase two rabbits... You will not catch either one." - Russian Proverb  

"There can only be one most important thing. Many things may be important but only one can be the most important." - Ross Garber  

“The things which are most important don’t always scream the loudest” -Bob Hawke

"Why would we ever tolerate multitasking when we're doing our most important work?" 

“In your effort to attend to all things, everything gets shortchanged and nothing gets it due."

“We are kept from our goal, not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal.” -Robert Brault 

“The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man’s foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher.” -Thomas Henry Huxley 

“People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the only ones who do.”

“Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.” -Arnold H Glasow  

“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future.” - F. M. Alexander

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” - Will Rogers 

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” - George Bernard Shaw

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” - Alan Lakein

“Efficiency is doing the thing right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing.” -Peter Drucker  

“Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.” -George Halas 

“Focus is a matter of deciding what things you’re not going to do.” - John Carmack

"One-half if knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it." - Sidney Howard  

"Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher." -Oprah  

"To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping." -Chinese Proverb   


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Wake Up Wednesday - The ONE Thing - Week 3

by James & Amy Lombardi

Part three of this book is a huge section with lots of great principles and practices to help focus down to your ONE thing. Through the different habits and goals developed throughout your life, you can truly achieve your dream goal. This is a journey. Actions build on action. Habits build on habit. Success builds on success. All success starts within you.   

Great businesses are built one productive person at a time.  

1. Live with Purpose  
2. Live by Priority  
3. Live for Productivity

Our purpose sets our priority and out priority determines the productivity our actions produce. Purpose determines who we are. Humans constantly are searching for the next thing that will make us happy. Enjoy your successes. Who we are and where we want to go determine what we do and what we accomplish. 

When each day begins, we each have a choice. Set your priorities. Purpose without priority is powerless. Develop a goal and reward. The farther away a reward is in the future, the smaller the immediate motivation to achieve it. Are you doing this to simply do the best you can do, or are you doing this to do it the best it can be done? Training your mind how to think, how to connect one goal with the next over time until you know the most important thing you just do right now. Connect today to all your tomorrows. Do your habits today match up with what you want to achieve later? Think big and work small. 

Goal Setting to the NOW:
Someday Goal  
Five-Year Goal  
One-Year Goal  
Monthly Goal  
Weekly Goal  
Daily Goal  
Right Now  

Productive actions transform lives. Great success shows up when time is devoted every day to becoming great. Time Blocking is a great habit and tool to set yourself up for success. It harnesses your energy and centers it on your most important work. Resting is as important as working. Block off time as early in your day as you possibly can. Most productive people work on event time. Clock time (5 o’clock and gone) vs Event time (my work is done when it’s done). Be a maker in the morning and a manager in the afternoon. Reflect on where you are and where you want to go. Block an hour each week to review your annual and monthly goals. Learn how to protect your time to make sure it gets done; if you erase you must replace.  

Time Block: 

1. Your time off 
2. Your ONE thing 
3. Your planning time  

Have a calendar to stay focused and committed to your ONE thing. Put big red Xs on your calendar when you do your ONE thing and don’t break the chain. When stuff pops into your head, just write it down on a task list and get back to what you’re supposed to be doing.  

Protect your time: 

1. Build a bunker. Your own place without distractions  
2. Store provisions. Be able to stay in that place 
3. Sweep for mines. 100% of attention, turn off your phone, email, etc 
4. Enlist support. Let others see the big picture. 

The There Commitments:

1. Follow the Path of Mastery -- It takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. 10,000/365 (1 hr per day) = 27.397 years 
2. Move from “E” to “P”  -- E = Entrepreneurial - natural approach and limiting to P = Purposeful - unnatural achieve breakthroughs  
3. Live the Accountability Cycle -- People who wrote goals were 39.5% more likely to succeed. Those who told friends progress were 76.7% more likely to achieve them.  Elite performers seek out teachers and coaches 

The Four Thieves: 

1. Inability to say “No”  -- When you say yes to something it's imperative that you understand what you're saying no to.
2. Fear of Chaos -- When you strive for greatness, chaos is guaranteed to show up.  
3. Poor health habits -- Personal energy mismanagement is a silent thief of productivity.   
4. Environment doesn't support your goals -- People and place are the foundations for your ONE thing. The physical environment is important. Think of it as having to walk down an aisle of candy every day when you're trying to lose weight.  

Wake Up Wednesday - The ONE Thing - Week 2

by James & Amy Lombardi


The first section of this book was focused on the lies we repeat to ourselves that cause a guardrail in achieve what we want to do. This second section focuses on the truth and identifies what is your ONE thing. The truth is the path to productivity. The key to success isn’t in all the things we do but in the handful of things we do well. When you get to the point where you can truly say: “This is where I’m meant to be right now, doing exactly what I’m doing.” that creates amazing potential. 

Main Question: What’s the ONE thing you can do this week such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary?

Break it down to make yourself successful. Break it down into specific areas: spiritual life, physical health, personal life, key relationships, my job, my business, my finances, etc. Take it from the big picture to the smaller focus; what is my ONE thing right now? Add specifics and timeframes: right now, this week, this month, this year, the next 5 years. Action beats intention every time. Create the bridge between doing something and doing something for a specific purpose. Finally, find the first domino and focus on it exclusively until you knock it over. You'll find a line of dominoes ready to fall or already down behind it. Great questions are the path to great answers.

In order to find great answers and achieve great things, you must ask great questions. A big, specific question leads to a big, specific answer, which is absolutely necessary for achieving a big goal. Most great answers live outside your comfort zone. When we maximize our reach, we maximize our life. Start by doing research and studying the lives of other high achievers. benchmark and trend. Set a standard for yourself. 

The 1-3-5 system can be really beneficial and it forces you to focus on your ONE thing. While focusing on the ONE thing it determines the smaller steps to get there. 

1 - You ONE Thing! Choose one big goal

3 - Figure out the three milestones that are needed to hit the ONE thing.  

5- Find the five strategies to tackle the 3 milestones. 

This kinda mimics the 411 plan. This is creating goals for 4 weeks, 1 month, and 1 year. You must start by identifying your annual goals then start to work backward. Figure out the monthly goals that you have to hit to make your annual goal possible. The last step is to figure out what must happen each week to make sure you hit your monthly goal. Breaking down the steps will get the ball going to achieve something you never thought possible. 

Set the big hairy goal then break it down so it becomes achievable. Make sure to write your goals down! You are more likely to success when you physically write your goal down. The ONE thing takes trimming down to make sure you are focused, but then you must fan it out to place the stepping stones to get there.  


What's the ONE thing you can do this week such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary?


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Wake Up Wednesday - The ONE Thing - Week 1

by James & Amy Lombardi


This week we are kicking off with the first part of The One Thing. This book has many great principles to focus on what matters. The focus of this book is to focus on the ONE thing you want to do and becoming successful in that. It is narrowing down the focus on the task and lining up your priorities to make everything fall into place when you do the right thing. When you make something visual, you make it public and it steps it up and holds you to more accountability. No one succeeds alone. Success builds on success over time; it is one right choice than another right choice over and over again.  

Passion leads to time spent; time spent on a task leads to skill; skill on a task leads to results; results leads to enjoyment; enjoyment leads to passion. It is a full circle on repeat. 

Part one’s focus is: If you repeat lies enough it eventually becomes true. They list out six lies we make ourselves believe and attack those beliefs. The first lie we tend to believe is “Everything Matters Equally.” Everything we do is a choice, the question is, is your choice the right one with the right priority? Achievers work from a clear sense of priority. They are focused in a specific direction and organized. Take the first 20%, then the 20%, then the 20%, then the 20% down to the ONE thing.  Sometimes the first thing you do will be the only thing you do, make sure it's the right task! 

The second lie is “Multitasking” which is a lie. You might be able to do two things, but you can only focus on one thing; your attention bounces back and forth. With multitasking, it often leads to slower progress, more mistakes, and more stress. We expect pilots and surgeons to focus on their ONE thing, why don’t we focus on our ONE thing? Distraction is natural but it undermines results. Focus hard on the ONE thing.  

The third lie is the need for a “Disciplined Life.” We don’t need more discipline, we just need more direction and learn how to manage it better. Once a new behavior becomes a habit it takes less discipline. Be disciplined to build one habit at a time, giving each habit enough time. The momentum takes over once you have systems and habits built. 

“Willpower is always on will-call” is the fourth lie we tend to repeat. Especially this generation we struggle with delayed gratification.  Willpower is a timing game. Work can be exhausting. The more we use our mind, the less mind power we have and there comes a point where we need to be recharged. When willpower runs out we all revert to our default settings. Knowing this it is critical to do what matters most when your willpower is high. Timing is everything. Monitor your energy and effort. 

This leads to the next lie of a “Balanced Life.” This is a juggling act between and within Work, Family, Health, Friends, and Integrity. Work is a rubber ball and can bounce back up but you have to be careful because all others are made of glass if they fall. It is important to remain aware and focus your time and energy on what matters the most. You can’t get time back. Extraordinary results require focused attention and time. “Even if you're sure you can win, be careful that you can live with what you lose.” The act of living a full life by giving time to what matters is the true balancing act.

The final lie mentioned is, “Big is Bad.” Thinking big is essential to extraordinary results. It’s about bold ideas that might threaten your comfort zones but simultaneously reflect your greatest opportunities. What you build today will either empower or restrict you tomorrow. It's a platform or a box that is trapping you. Dare to think big, set a goal far above and do a different. One of the biggest setbacks to being bold is the fear of failure. Strive to hit your ONE thing and stay focused to achieve it.   


What's the ONE thing you can do this week such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary?

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